Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Castells +Giddens -resumeer af seneste bøger

Manuel Castells:
"Communication Technology, Media and Power"
Power has always been decided in the realm of communication. In our societies, politics is largely media politics. Communication evolves according to the evolution of communication technology. Internet-based communication and wireless networks have allowed the emergence of self mass communication; that is, mass communication that is originated by social actors or individuals without mediation of governments or corporate media. Under these conditions, social movements and insurgent politics enhance their capability to intervene in the new communication space. On the other hand, corporate media are also increasing their presence in the horizontal networks of communication. As a result of these trends, mass media and horizontal networks of communication are converging. Thus, we are witnessing a historical shift of society's public sphere from the institutional realm to the communication space. This analysis is based on a number of case studies, data analysis, and literature review, some of which are included in Castells' recent book Mobile Communication and Society (MIT Press 2006).

Giddens En løbsk verden
- Hvordan globaliseringen forandrer vores tilværelse

Med denne af omfang beskedne bog giver Anthony Giddens sit personlige bud på, hvad modebegrebet globalisering i realiteten dækker over, hvad der er globaliseringens forudsætninger - historisk, videnskabeligt og økonomisk - og ikke mindst, dens konsekvenser. Hvordan den med Giddens ord påvirker ""hverdagslivet lige så meget som den påvirker verdensbegivenhederne"". Det er grunden til, at bogen indeholder en tankevækkende diskussion af, hvordan de forandringer, der udgør eller følger med globaliseringen påvirker vores normer og traditioner også mht. seksualitet, ægteskab og familie.

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